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- Thanks very much for your willingness to beta test our EXEC-2-C program.
- Please run it as much as you like and send your comments me to either
- by mailing or FAXing me the enclosed questionnaire or by simply sending
- me e-mail at guthery@acw.com.
- This program is copyright 1991 by The Austin Code Works and Polyglot
- International. Please do not redistribute it.
- Thanks again, Scott Guthery
- guthery@acw.com
- Introduction
- ------------
- The EXEC-2-C is the disassembling package which can translate the .ASM file
- it produces into pseudo-C language. EXEC-2-C consists of the following parts
- (each of them is an .EXE file & can be run by itself):
- - E2A.EXE - disassembler
- - A2APARSE.EXE - assembler-to-C front end processor
- - E2C.EXE - translates the files prepared by A2A.EXE to pseudo-C
- - ENVMNU.EXE - integrated environment for the previous programs
- The easiest way to get going is to run ENVMNU and follow the instructions.
- If you want to experiment with the options, run the programs individually
- from the MS-DOS command line.
- Usage of e2a, a2aparse, & e2c
- -----------------------------
- [path] e2a [-p#] [-l#] [-r#] [-s#] [-h hdr] [-t] [-a] [-e] [-o out_file] file
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Parameters for e2a:
- -p# ........... Number of passes (e.g. -p5)
- minimum: MINPASSES (params.h)
- default: DEFPASSES (params.h)
- -l# ........... Number of labels (e.g. -l500)
- maximum: MAXLABELS (params.h)
- default: DEFLABELS (params.h)
- -r# ........... Number of procedures (e.g. -p500)
- maximum: MAXPROCS (params.h)
- default: DEFPROCS (params.h)
- -s# ........... Number of segments (e.g. -p500)
- maximum: MAXSEGMENTS (params.h)
- default: DEFSEGMENTS (params.h)
- -h hdr ........ Header (e.g. -o "header 1")
- -t ............ Output format = .Lst
- -a ............ Output format = .Asm
- default output format: .Asm
- -e ............ With interface
- default: With interface
- -o out_file ... Output file-name (e.g. -o file-name)
- file .......... Input file name (e.g. .exe or .com file)
- [path] a2aparse file ,[out_file]
- --------------------------------
- Parameters for a2aparse:
- file .......... name of input "assembler" file
- ( = output file from e2a: <file>.asm)
- out_file ...... first name of output files
- default: <file>
- <out_file>.cod - |\
- <out_file>.r - | > output files
- <out_file>.glb - |/
- [path] e2c [-p] [-e] [-d] [-?] [-a] file [out_file]
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Parameters for e2c:
- -p ............ Include paging
- default: NO paging
- -e ............ With interface
- default: without interface
- -d ............ Delete A2Aparse results
- default: NO delete
- -? ............ Print tracing information (contents of registers)
- default: NO print
- -a ............ Process function call args
- default: NO process
- file .......... First name of input files (output files from a2aparse):
- <file>.cod
- <file>.r
- <file>.glb
- out_file ...... First name of output file
- default: <file>.r